The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
Alcuni caratteri speciali sono permessi, inclusi spazio, virgola (.), trattino (-), apostrofo ('), underscore (_), e il simbolo @.
Il tuo viso virtuale o la tua immagine.
Un solo file.
Limite 500 KB.
Tipi consentiti: png gif jpg jpeg.
Le immagini più grandi di 100x100 pixel verranno ridimensionate.
Basic info
Use the map interface to provide your approximate location so that you and other members can find each other based on how near you live to each other. Start by entering the name of your city or town, and then select the correct suggested location. Use the zoom tools to more closely select your location (for example your neighborhood or a close-by intersection), then fix your location there by clicking, or by clicking and dragging your mouse pointer. Note that you can always change your location on your profile page later – indeed, you may even want to temporarily change your map location to other cities at times, so that you can more quickly find members located in those other cities.
Please enter your country, as well as your city, state or province and zip or postal code. This field will be visible only to ICI and TWP staff.
Age range
Preferred pronouns I go by
Which of the following best represents your racial or ethnic heritage? Choose all that apply.
Please note: The reason we are asking this question is so that Inner Compass Initiative can understand whether or not we’re effectively building a racially diverse community. Your selection will not be displayed publicly.
ICI Connect
In the box below, describe yourself, your experiences and interests so that like-minded people can find you. Consider answering questions like the following: What have been your experiences, directly or indirectly, with the “mental health” system? How have these experiences contributed to shaping your views on politics, life or society? What are you hoping to get from joining this network? What kinds of previous experiences with local organizing or activism have you had?
I would like to find and connect with people who have similar interests in
Check as many as apply.
Please list other interests that are not captured above.
If you are looking to exchange mutual aid with others in similar circumstances to yours, please choose how you identify below
Check all that apply.
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