Your support makes a huge impact

Our work is impossible without your support
Inner Compass Initiative (ICI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization uniting people with firsthand experience engaging the mental health industry to chart a new path forward beyond its current limits. Rooted in mutual aid—the voluntary exchange of support and resources–it is through our community’s unique wisdom, collective strength, and vision for something greater that we are changing the way the world sees and addresses the challenges that come with being human.If you’d like to learn more about our current activities and goals, please read our “About” page.
Thank you for considering making a fully tax-deductible donation to us. No matter how small or large the amount you can share, your support means a lot to our organization. Driven by a commitment to build a future beyond the mental health industry, our hearts and minds are invested in this work. Your contribution will go a long way towards helping us get there
If you are considering making a large donation, we ask you to contact us directly to make other arrangements for payment, so that we can maximize the good work that your donation will do.
To make your donation, please complete the below form:
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