ICI for Practitioners

We are glad you’re here!

If you are a counselor, therapist, clinician, advocate, or prescriber who works with people who are thinking about or in the process of reducing or coming off psychiatric drugs, Inner Compass Initiative would like to extend an open hand and warm welcome to you. As a practitioner, you often have a vital role to play in educating other practitioners and the public about psychiatric drug withdrawal and in providing assistance to people who are tapering.

This section of our website is under development. Our hope is that it will become a useful resource for practitioners to share experiences, learn from laypeople and from each other, and form mutually supportive alliances. 

In the meantime, here are some other possible actions you can take…

  • Read through Inner Compass Initiative’s Learn section, Companion Guide to Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal to develop a stronger understanding of psychiatric drugs, dependence, and the best strategies and tips for tapering that have been emerging from the experiences of laypeople in the withdrawal community.
  • Join the Inner Compass Exchange, our networking platform that connects people thinking critically about various aspects of the mental health system.
  • Let your patients and clients know about Inner Compass Initiative’s free resources.
  • Tell your colleagues, professional associations and listserv communities about us.
  • Bring us to a meeting in your community to talk about psychiatric drug withdrawal. Shoot us a message and let us know what you have in mind!solidarity