Cope, Take Care of Yourself, and Heal
If you’re in the midst of psychiatric drug withdrawal, our hope is that Inner Compass Initiative’s Cope, Take Care of Yourself, and Heal section will feel like a welcoming home. The three interconnected sections here comprise a comprehensive, curated resource that holds the gathered experiences, learnings, tips, strategies and tools that we at ICI and many others have found helpful along our withdrawal journeys.
Withdrawal Symptoms A to Z
Though far from complete, this A to Z list of psychiatric drug withdrawal symptoms is comprised of many years of accumulated anecdotal reports from the layperson withdrawal community. Wondering if something you’re experiencing during withdrawal is something that many other people have also experienced? – Look it up here! Then find coping tips in our related section…

Coping Techniques A to Z
This section is a curated list of tips, techniques, modalities, practices, exercises, and activities that people have reported to be effective for coping both with specific psychiatric drug withdrawal symptoms and with the whole withdrawal experience more broadly.

Reclaim Your Health
This section offers information and resources aimed at helping you take back the innate power to heal and reclaim your brain and body through non-clinical, non-medical, “common sense” methods that laypeople have found beneficial along the withdrawal journey.

The layperson-reported symptoms of psychiatric drug withdrawal and the coping techniques listed on our website are intended to provide general information and to enhance understanding. However, during withdrawal it’s possible to develop unrelated and possibly serious health problems that produce symptoms that only appear to be similar to withdrawal symptoms, and withdrawal itself can also sometimes cause serious physical problems. If you have any physical health problems that are causing you concern, it’s always important to consult a well-informed health practitioner.

Your voice, your experiences, and your wisdom are needed!
Inner Compass Initiative’s Cope, Take Care of Yourself, and Heal is a collectively developed, shared community resource of the psychiatric drug withdrawal community. If you have coping resources to share with us, have knowledge about valuable ways of reclaiming health after withdrawal, or have experienced other withdrawal symptoms that are not represented on our list, then we are eager to hear from you.