Stories Library

What's your story?

Woman reading a book backlit by sunlightWoman reading a book backlit by sunlight

In late 2025, we’re launching our Stories Library, a live database developed from thousands of accounts of navigating the mental health system and psychiatric drug withdrawal. In the meantime, here’s a preview of what’s to come. You’ll find here the stories of people with firsthand experience of the mental health industry—accounts of harm and hope, breakdown and breakthrough, and above all, the power of our own stories to challenge and rewrite the scripts we’ve been given.

The Stories Library honors and amplifies the voices of those with firsthand experience of psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, because our stories are too powerful, vital, and varied to be told by anyone else. As you read you’ll discover insight and expertise in the truest sense (from the Latin experitus: “tried, proved, known by experience”), as well as new and hopeful ways to approach the future. Here’s how the library can do that for you…

Disclaimer: The individuals whose stories are featured in the Stories Library are not necessarily affiliated with and do not necessarily endorse ICI or ICI's views. Similarly, ICI is not necessarily affiliated with and does not necessarily endorse the views of the individuals featured here.