There’s no doubt about it: learning about, preparing for, and embarking upon the psychiatric drug withdrawal journey requires a lot of self-education and self-directed research. Along the way, many of us have found ourselves grappling with all kinds of questions and concerns—often made all the more stressful because it’s hard to know where and to whom to turn for useful information.

ICI’s Help Hub currently houses readings associated with our Companion Guide to Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal that cover a range of vital topics such as interactions, reactions, and sensitivities during withdrawal, how individuals come off multiple drugs and what kinds of supports people find helpful during withdrawal. In the near future, we will be publishing troubleshooting resources and FAQs that cover specific issues that folks on the withdrawal journey often find themselves grappling with. Stay tuned!

If you’re already in the midst of tapering from psychiatric drugs and have concerns emerging, then we encourage you to take time to review the contents of ICI’s Companion Guide to Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. Whether you work through all of the steps in the suggested order or just read through some of them, the Guide offers a wealth of information and tips from laypeople who have experienced psychiatric drug withdrawal firsthand. Also note that ICI’s Navigation Page includes links to relevant content on our website based on different types of questions, circumstances and needs.