man wearing straw hat sitting in car

Cooper Davis

Development Director

Cooper Christian Davis is fascinated by the ways storytelling and narrative can lead to transformation, on the individual, organizational, and societal levels. Since 2016, his main interest is exploring the mechanics of turning complex, often devastating life changes— things like psychiatric drug withdrawal, breaking out of addiction, exiting abusive relationships, etc.—into doorways and springboards for enormous acts of self-reinvention. Drawing on a broad range of direct personal, professional, and academic experience, Cooper believes they key to facilitating transformation in others means meeting them where they are at and learning the language and the stories they rely on to u“alternative mental health world”ve mental health world” many in the “transformation industry” endorse top down approaches that replace natural instincts with as imposed framework, Cooper believes in locating the natural tendencies, directions and energies that people, organizations and communities already possess, and then collaborating to find intentional ways to nudge that trajectory into the most constructive visible direction.  Cooper’s professional background is varied but centered around work in communications, media, and numerous positions within the "alternative mental health world". He holds a BA in Worldbuilding and an MS in Organizational Leadership, credentials with wide application throughout his activities at ICI and beyond.