
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a bodywork technique in which a trained practitioner applies varying degrees of pressure with his or her fingers or thumbs on specific points on a person’s hands, feet, or sometimes ears. A typical Reflexology session will begin with a brief consultation, during which the Reflexologist may make general health inquiries and ask questions about specific concerns, and then move into actual hands-on bodywork. Sessions usually last between thirty and sixty minutes but may vary in length depending on the practitioner and the intended outcome.
Some people within the psychiatric drug withdrawal community have found Reflexology helpful to relieve pain, relax muscles, generally relax, or sleep better. Others have found Reflexology useful to relieve complaints like nausea, digestive issues, and headaches.
Where can I find more information?
- A quick internet search will provide many websites and videos that show how to use Reflexology techniques.
- A video of a Reflexology practitioner explaining Reflexology theory and talking through a typical Reflexology session.
- An introduction providing links to systematic reviews and controlled clinical trials on Reflexology at the National Center of Complimentary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) website.