Located in the Hartford, Connecticut area. "Volunteers in Psychotherapy (VIP) is an IRS-approved, community nonprofit organization that provides one charitable service: access to private psychotherapy – almost always for no fee. Clients “pay for” their therapy by doing independent volunteer work for a charity, nonprofit or government program.

Based in Syracuse, NY. "It’s About Childhood & Family, Inc. is a not-for-profit clinical and resource center dedicated to enhancing the quality of childhood and family life in our communities.

The Cochrane Collaboration "is a global independent network of researchers" who "work together to produce credible, accessible health information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other conflicts of interest." The Cochrane Library "is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making".

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The Therapeutics Initiative "is an independent organization, separate from government, pharmaceutical industry and other vested interest groups" that provides "independent assessments of evidence on drug therapy to balance the drug industry sponsored information sources."

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"The MISS Foundation, established in 1996 by Dr. Joanne Cacciatore, is an international 501(c)3, volunteer based organization providing C.A.R.E. [counseling, advocacy, research, and education] services to families experiencing the death of a child."

Warfighter Advance's mission is "The Successful Reintegration of Every Warfighter". Its vision is "100% Successful Reintegration & Resilience of the Warfighter & a World Where a Traumatized Warfighter is Fully Restored in a Non-medical Context."

"The National Association for Rights Protection and Advocacy mission is to promote policies and pursue strategies that result in individuals with psychiatric diagnoses making their own choices regarding treatment. We educate and mentor those individuals to enable them to exercise their legal and human rights with a goal of abolition of all forced treatment."

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"The Alliance for Human Research Protection is a national network of lay people and professionals dedicated to advancing responsible and ethical medical research practices, to minimizing the risks associated with such endeavors and to ensuring that the human rights, dignity and welfare of human subjects are protected."

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Based in Vermont. "Pathways Vermont transforms the lives of people experiencing mental health and other life challenges by supporting self directed roads to recovery and wellness in an atmosphere of dignity, respect, choice and hope."

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The Movement  Of Mothers Standing-up-together are "Mothers and Other Individuals who have experienced grief, pain, shock, outrage and deep heartbreak, in response to the treatment our loved ones received, through mental health care agencies and institutions." 

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